debbie loane

Debbie Loane is a North Yorkshire based artist who graduated from the University of Leeds with a degree in Fine Art in 1995. Since then, she has worked as a full time artist in the North Pennines and the North York Moors. Having come from a largely agricultural background, Debbie is constantly challenged to create work which acknowledges the romantic splendour of the Northern landscape, whilst being consciously rooted in the daily practicalities of rural life. Her current work focusses on two different forms: landscape paintings, in watercolour and pastel or oil, made both ‘on site’ or back her studio, and drawings, which are personal and subjective investigations into her environment using mixed media. Debbie believes that every individual has the potential to impose something different and unique on what they see. Furthermore, that contemporary landscape painting gives her the freedom to express not only the literal but also acknowledge pasts, presents and futures, both real and projected, documented, or dreamed.

Debbie Loane is a North Yorkshire based artist who graduated from the University of Leeds with a degree in Fine Art in 1995. Since then, she has worked as a full time artist in the North Pennines and the North York Moors. Having come from a largely agricultural background, Debbie is constantly challenged to create work which acknowledges the romantic splendour of the Northern landscape, whilst being consciously rooted in the daily practicalities of rural life. Her current work focusses on two different forms: landscape paintings, in watercolour and pastel or oil, made both ‘on site’ or back her studio, and drawings, which are personal and subjective investigations into her environment using mixed media. Debbie believes that every individual has the potential to impose something different and unique on what they see. Furthermore, that contemporary landscape painting gives her the freedom to express not only the literal but also acknowledge pasts, presents and futures, both real and projected, documented, or dreamed.